Time Blocking: Time Management Technique for Freelancers

Time Blocking: Teknik Pengaturan Waktu untuk Freelancer

Time Blocking: Time Management Technique for Freelancers

Time blocking is a technique or method of time management in which you divide time into clear and scheduled blocks to do certain jobs or activities. This technique is quite popular among students or workers.

In addition, this technique is also very suitable for you freelancers who have a lot of work and find it difficult to divide your time. Find out how time blocking works and its the benefits in this article below!

How Does Time Blocking Work?

Time Blocking
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Usually, we make a daily work schedule by dividing it into long lists. For example, at 8 to 9 a.m. we'll work on a draft for job A, then 9 to 10 a.m. we'll check email, and so on.

With time blocking, you will divide one day into several time blocks. You will dedicate each of these blocks to complete certain tasks. The key to the success of this technique is that you have to be able to choose which task you have to complete first or which one takes the longest time.

The following is an example of a work schedule using the time blocking technique:

When you have divided your day into time groups as above, you will become more focused. If you suddenly have to do work beyond what has to be done in that block of time, then all you have to do is continue working according to that block.

Tips for Doing Time Blocking

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If you are interested in doing time blocking, there are some tips you should do, namely:

Make a Priority List

The first thing you have to do is make a to-do list based on urgency. For example, job A has a closer deadline than the others. Therefore, you have to prioritize job A more than the others.

Making a list like this is very important because it will help you set the right schedule and steps.

Tackle Important and Tough Tasks First

When doing time blocking, make time blocks for heavier and more important jobs first. If you are usually more productive in the morning, then you can set aside a block of time for important work in the morning.

This method will make you focus on completing the task and you will have plenty of time to complete it.

Set Aside Time for Small Tasks

Replying to emails, checking messages on social media platforms, and so on are examples of small tasks. To make sure you don't get distracted while doing heavy work, it's better to set aside a little time from your daily work schedule to complete small jobs.

Make Time to Rest

One of the important things you shouldn't forget when doing time blocking is making time to rest. Lack of rest will actually reduce your productivity because you will feel tired or bored. Moreover, you can also be more quickly distracted by small things.

If you want to stay active during breaks, you can take a walk in your office to stretch your muscles.


Don't forget to do an evaluation every time you finish work. See what tasks have not been completed on that day. Furthermore, you can create a special time block for unfinished jobs.

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Benefits of Using Time Blocking Technique

1. Increase Productivity

By allocating clear time for various tasks, you can get your work done faster. This certainly increases productivity, especially for freelancers who usually have to complete several tasks at the same time.

2. Better Time Management

Time blocking also helps you freelancers to manage time better. You will understand better about how long it takes to complete certain jobs.

This will help you avoid ineffective use of time.

3. Increase Focus

When you have a clear time blocked for each job or task, you will be more focused on completing it. In addition, time blocking will make you more motivated to complete work so you are not easily distracted.

4. Clearer Job Priorities

As previously explained, the time blocking technique requires you to know which work should be prioritized compared to the others. This certainly will prevent freelancers from getting confused about what task to complete next. 

5. Avoid Fatigue/Burnout

Time blocking also allows freelancers to set rest or free time between work blocks that have been created. 

This is important to do in order to maintain a balance between work and personal life, as well as prevent fatigue and burnout which can affect the quality of work and productivity.

Hanun Asyifa

Author Since: 4 July 2022

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